Its true that maybe most of us no longer believe in angels, but I do. I still do. I think that they are special light beings given the highest, and probably the most difficult task to comfort, to lead humans to safety and complete their destiny. A difficult task to be everywhere whenever they are needed; to be impartial to the humans' emotions and simply care for them even with unrequited love. In degrees, a bit short of God.. unrequited love.

As I watched City of Angels again (as this is one of my ever most favorite movies of all time), I have finally understood that God does not (never probably ever did) forbid angels to love human as He, himself loved us humans, his creation. Love is the highest form of expression of care, trust that is possible next to God because God himself is Love.

When Nathan and Seth took the fall, they did it even without God's permission because it isn't disallowed in the first place. God has obviously demonstrated free will and the highest form of unconditional love for all His creations. I finally understood that because angels would abandon the highest form of responsibility there could ever be in this lifetime, it is but a selfish act to love a human in its mortal form.

This movie always leaves me feeling a bit sad but refreshed, knowing that there are lessons in life to learn in every breath you take. I know how it feels to lose someone. Its like forcibly removing memories of them from your system and making you move forward in life alone. But I saw it in Seth that he learned to take life as it is because it was never God who makes the choices in our lives but ourselves alone. So, he questioned God, but he never blamed.

I'm thankful for the Golden Age. It brings us all to greater understanding and closer to our purposes.

Thank you God.