The Perfect Boss

…is non existent!

Its hard to obey a boss who can't decide for himself.
Its hard to obey a boss who can't handle his own problems.
Its hard to obey a boss who doesn't do as he says.
Its hard to obey a boss who'd rather slack out the time than plan ahead.
Its hard to obey a boss who doesn't wanna talk to you.
Its hard to obey a boss who doesn't wanna listent to you.
Its hard to obey a boss when he's not there.
Its hard to obey a boss.. for so many reasons.  But what does it take to be one?  And who is the perfect boss?

A year and a half ago, I came across an article on "How to be a Good Boss".  Sometimes I get to thinking, what kind of boss am I?  At best, I follow most of the items from this article..

1. Realize that management succeeds via the efforts of the workers. No matter how much you plan, if no one would work to make it happen, its useless.  The good boss must understand that its not his sole power that keeps the team alive, but the team itself working as one.

2.  Delegate responsibility and then trust your people.
I hate micro managers.  I'd love to write down specs as detailed as possible, but I will always them people up to how they should work on the task.  I can check later, but I will always trust that they did the job well.. after all, I hired them.. so I should know their capabilities, and I should trust them.

3.  Know your employees to know your strength.
Sometimes, assigning tasks to the right person is a very hard job for managers.  Knowing who does what best is the key, and in order to find that out, series of subtle tests and observation must be done.  Also, ignorance of such knowledge can lead bosses to comprise the team with unrealistic goals.

4.  Clone yourself - many times.
I've always said to my team, "Everyone should know what everyone knows".  This transparency will keep everyone in confidence that they can share each other's tasks and challenges.  Also, this forms the group in a circle, and not in a pyramid.  Making your subordinates knowledgeable with the items of the department is a priority.  And, make everyone understand what it is exactly that you do.

5.  Empower your staff to make critical decisions, and don't second-guess them.
Yes, everyone starts as subordinates.  I believe that everyone must be given equal rights to decide and their decisions to be taken maturely and with confidence.  Its always bad to leave someone to decide, then ask somebody else to closely monitor.  Its like not trusting at all.  Doing this, would crush the potential leadership of the employee.

6.  Create a clear chain of command.
This is always a known problem inside companies.  "Bypassing" is the more common term.  Much as circles are preferred than pyramids, still, there are leaders who take on the task of deciding for the group and leading everyone to the right path.  Without which, the group would stray and dissolve eventually.  Keeping all information and liabilities addressed to the right people will aid in quick respondence and task completion.  No pinpointing, no dilly dally, no confusion.

7.  Help them learn to work out issues without your intervention.
There are some issues that doesn't really have to be brought up to the boss.  If you have many subordinates, make them understand that if they can resolve issues in their level, then it will be very well appreciated.  This way, they become better people and better with decision making too.

8.  Deal with any problems quickly and directly.
A good boss is always prompt with problems.  If there is a delay, it might be perilous for the team.  I myself, I drop other non priorities when the need arises for my quick attention.  Sometimes, I even do the work myself or help the others as needed.

9.  Tell your staff how much you appreciate them - in front of customers if possible.
This, I'm always sure to practice.  I always acclaim my developers infront of my boss and infront of other teammates.  This way, they get more energy to work on their task because they know that they are very well appreciated.  I love to praise them as needed.. in fact its still my credit if they do good.  Moreso, I can encourage them to step up and do better.  I surely miss such comments from my former boss.

10.  Show your appreciation by doing things for them.
I am always grateful that they still work for me.  So, at times when I'm not loaded with tasks, I share their load.  Sometimes, I do them favors.

11.  Share your goals with your employees.
I try to be transparent as much as possible.  I hold meetings as necessary, but, since I hate meetings, I usually have quick, short meetings.  I bulletpoints my agenda, then discuss them as in depth as necessary.. careful enough not to treat them as kids.  This way, they know what I have in mind, they can add to it to improve it, hence, they know where the team is going.

12.  Learn to be an effective listener.
Sometimes, your subordinates will approach you.. discuss problems, question some items, etc.  As I always feel towards my boss, my boss is an object of motivation.  I look up to him as a leader icon, a mentor… I value the time my boss shares with me to listen to my thoughts.  In the same way, I also listen to my developers, especially if they have something to share or open up.

13.  Be the boss.

Though some items might have seem to put you off in a position lesser than your title, its still your call in the end.  For every matter in the office that is under your scope of liability, you'll still be the boss.  So, go be firm, and show them still, who's the boss.

At some point, I still try to be the perfect boss, though I know I still have a lot to learn.  And, even as I do my best (some points not mentioned), there is still the margin of this topic being subjective to a person's perspective.