The last beautiful beach

Day 5 of Catanduanes, Bicol vacation

The last day of Catanduanes adventure was this day.  We were scheduled to visit Puraran.  They say that this beach is a Surfer's beach because the waves get high during high tide.   We were of course eager to see surfers and its beautiful waves, but it was unfortunate that it was low tide when we were there.

Like most of the beautiful waters and scenes of Catanduanes, Puraran Beach was far from the town and was definitely hidden by huge mountain ranges.  And, again, the road going there was steep.  The cab we have cannot take us all up from the sands of Puraran.

This is my favorite beach (of all the beaches I've visited here in Catanduanes).  I love its water because it was neither too hot nor too cold.  I loved the stones that were there by the shore, and the high sand level at the shore.  Although the water was low when we were swimming its waters, and there were lots of greens beneath (which creeps me out), I really enjoyed it there.  We even saw a snake they call walo walo.  Hehe..

On the other side of the big rock, are a lot of corals where some of Deyey's cousins went to check out.  My honey and I spent time playing by the shallow waters until it rained.  This was the fun part.  I've never been by the sea while the rain pours.  Its the only time when you feel like you wanna welcome the rain touching your face, since you're in the sea, and the sea itself welcomes the water from the sky.  Shortly after it rained, we ran back to the resthouse.  The wind suddenly got colder and the swimsuit was kinda ironic to wear already. 

After a cool water dipping and adventure by Puraran beach, we now had to brace ourselves for a 1km hike to the top.  Really its 1km, and somehow, it seemed to me that the slope was steeper than 45 degrees!  Nonetheless, the overlooking views are breathtaking.