The adventures of JP and Maricris

Just the title itself makes me laugh. (sorry, its an internal joke, but i'll be sharing it with you)

My honey is both the best and the worst comedian I've ever known in my life. Yes. I'll still mean it even after he's read this post. We've been in so many places and situations recently and I just wouldn't forget the time he first made joke about our so-called adventures.

The panic-buying the movie

It was the day after pay day. My family was asking me if I would give them a treat. I thought it was a nice idea. The plan was to bring dinner over that night. We decided to go malling after he accompanied me to the bank that afternoon. We went to Gateway Mall then to Farmers Plaza. Honey, being the shopaholic, went around the mall floor by floor and stall by stall.. "What does this stall do?? (akin to Deedee's catch phrase: 'Ooooooo. What does this button do?') ..trying to find something he can spend for.

I was getting kinda worried since it was already past 7pm and that the people at home would be hungry already. My honey, went on with his 'killing the time' strategy. We got to KFC at Ali Mall's at around 8:30pm already. It was really late for dinner. It was kinda upsetting, but I too was not yet hungry.

"Miss, I'll get one Family Bucket Meal."

"Yeah.. and please add a regular sized Plain FunShots."

"I'll also get 2 brownies."

"Make the drinks - 2 rootbeers, one 7up and one Pepsi"

"Also, please put in 2 mash potatos, one coleslaw and one macaroni as side dishes"

"Hmm.. please add another large gravy please."

…."Huuuwaaat???!! Are all the chickens disappearing?? Is this some sort of panic buying???"

Zaaaaaappp!!! J-j-j-jp and Maricris! …In… Panic buying the movie!!!

A very creative intro. This was what my honey was orchestrating inside his head when we were at the counter. He felt like I was trying to buy every chicken in that store! It was hilarious when he was delivering these lines (not the actual).

Next we needed to find a cab. It took us about 30-45 minutes just trying to get one.

"J-j-j-jp and Maricris adventure.. just when you think you can get a cab.. sound effects "

Nahhh.. It was late 9:30 pm when we arrived at home. I was trying to convince myself that the people at home were still not yet angry with us for bringing a very late dinner. Sigh, after all it was a very adventurous shopping/panic buying.

The number 23

Yesterday was a Friday. The day before was our 4th-month celebration. I must say, we're such an unusual couple who simply enjoys being with each other and just doing things as we please.

For the rest of the days of the week, we had plans after office hours. It was either we went out to eat, or went to see somebody, or simply went to the mall for something. Absolutely no occassion, no, nothing to celebrate about. But for some unwanted situation, there was absolutely nowhere to go on the 8th. Although it was our 4th month celebration, we have decided beforehand that we would go out on the friday instead. And so it was.

I was having trantraums that Thursday. I dunno, maybe for some reason, I wanted to spend the evening with him, but knowing it wasn't part of the plan, it made me upset.

So, here comes friday and I was excited to go out with him again (as if it was just the first time to go malling with him). Eh, well, I always love to be with him. The plans were to bring me to their mall at Fairview. He had a couple of things (weights) to buy and that we were to watch the movie number 23.

Earlier that day, he did not come to the office. So he was just working online with the rest of the team. This was allowed in the office. Cool eh? I had so much stress with the MIS works that I did with my Junior MIS Admin. Tiring job, especially since it wasn't my expertise at all. Good thing, Mr. Yada Yada was helping us out with the stuffs we needed. I left the office unfulfilled.. but I guess that was all there was to it. I needed to breathe and let go. At the van, I was surprised with a sweetcorn that my honey bought for me. Just in time. I was hungry.

While driving to the mall, we had lots of time to talk. I missed him so much during that day. Really.. I can't begin to tell.

Their mall was quite easy to be in. All the stalls were easy to find. We planned to stay there and also watch the last full show of The number 23. Unfortunately, The number 23 was not in the list of screened movies. We had to move out to another SM Branch to find the movie. We transferred to SM North just to watch that movie. Although it was another hell of traffic we had to go through, it was okay nonetheless. Every time spent with my honey is a precious time. What's important is that we are together, and happily enjoying each other's company.

SM North's The Block was pretty cold. I must admit, I was cold since I was at the office. I forgot to bring a jacket or coat with me. When we got there, I accompanied him to buy something. I thought too that that time was the best time for me to get something to put on since I was cold. I got myself a light jacket that I can wear when we get to the moviehouse.

The story of The number 23 was cool, but being a Johnny Depp fan, I knew that there has already been a similar story to that. Of course, we found out about it, when the movie finished already. Nonetheless, I liked the turn of the movie. The story was not dragging, instead, it kept me glued and attentive to the whole movie. I liked how the story portrayed two Jim Carreys that were of two different natures and was slowly moving into one personality.

Its only cool and funny at the same time that the number was really found at almost anything and everywhere in his life. I must say, the writer of the story (Topsy Kretts) was a very good writer, because the story, though taken from his real life (Walter Sparrow) was not divulging all the details at all. It was still some hard work on your brain to get the stuffs out into the open.

At the end, when lights were on again, we suddenly remembered (my honey and i), that he was wearing a jersey and its number was 32! hahaha… I should have turned at the back to see how the people reacted when they saw the number on his jersey. There might be some people who are easy to mislead. On the way back to the carpark, we were chatting about how absurd it must be for someone to actually think that a certain number haunts him/her, like.. after all, its just a number. Driving out of the carpark, we got to the pay booth. The cashier handed over a small parking ticket. Reading it out, I found that we checked out of the carpark at 23:23, and that we went out of the carpark (in an unusual way.. since the real exit was blocked) at Exit 2, Terminal 3. We laughed hard at this coincidence nonetheless.

It was a very relaxing day for both of us. And there, again, one of JP and Maricris' adventures has been told.