Tale of the missing pumpkin basket

I recently moved in to share a condo space with a good friend of mine.  Apparently, Halloween has never been observed in their place and homeowners never bothered about it at all.

Thinking of starting new, and to share my blessings.  I have often heard kids running along the corridor, and thought it might be fun to give them a little something for them to remember this Halloween.  So, I prepped up the door with decorations.

Last night, I came home with candy bags of different kinds.  I had lollipops, mentos, halls and jelly aces.  I mixed them up, thinking I would be refilling my basket everyday until the end of the week.  I was so happy and accomplished last night that I was excited to check on it again tomorrow morning (this morning).

In the middle of the night, I think someone went "tricking" instead of "treating" when they came across my pumpkin basket of treats and played with the fire alarm system of the building.  No one got caught though.

This morning, as I was preparing for brunch (breakfast/lunch), I overheard some noises infront of our door talking about the basket.  Some angry lady and others were murmuring around as well.  Though I did not grasp what the exact conversation was, I strongly perceived annoyance.  I did not bother to open the door though.  After awhile, my housemate checked on the basket only to be surprised that it wasn't there anymore!

I was quite bothered.  I wondered if putting a pumpkin basket with candies would ever annoy anyone with a kind heart.  Would it?  Hmmm, I doubt so.

So I told myself if a kid took it, then its just fine.  I'm glad some kid liked it.  I thought of simply replacing it with a paper bag.  But, on the other hand, if some elder took it... hmm, that would be a different story!  :P

Hence, I wrote a lovely note at the door:

Dear Halloween THIEF,
Please return my pumpkin basket with the skeleton.  You just killed the spirit of SHARING.  It has candies inside for the KIDS.  
Thank you
A little while later, I put the new paper bag out with a note:
FREE Halloween Treats for Everyone.  Please do not remove this container.  
PS:  Sorry, my pumpkin basket was STOLEN.
Happy Halloween!!!
And then, for quite some more time, I have heard buzzes around the door.  Some murmurings and musings regarding what happened to what basket.  Its funny though that starting a new thing could really stir up energy (both good and bad).  My friend called in the guards to give them heads up on the missing basket.

After we left this morning, my friend came back to find the pumpkin basket with the skeleton infront of our door.  :)

I realized with this feat that new ideas are always challenged and faced with atrocities, but in the end, the real purpose will prevail.  Just stick to the reason why you had the idea in the first place.  All else will follow.

So there, I had my own dose of trick ;)  But my treats will still be there until the end of the week to remind everyone of the weird Halloween they had this year! (simply because I was here :P)