Series of unfortunate events

My day started out with a back ache.  Still lacking sleep and feeling a little dizzy, I still had to wake up and do so much.  I planned out my day since last week, and I must follow it, I know.  Lazily, I pulled myself out from the sheets and walked towards the closet.  I clumsily drew circles in the air and let it land on a tile on the scroll hanging infront of my closet.  For today then,

Don't be late and don't procrastinate

Yeah, that is exactly why I should get my lazy ass moving.  A day started out like this will not end well if I don't step up and think happy thoughts.  Happy thoughts.. hmmm.. Suddenly, I recalled something and was eagerly looking forward for it to happen already.  I was ontrack already.

I got to the office at exactly 07:59! Whew! I wasn't late, haha! I thought it was going to make the day turn out perfect.. only to find out, there was no internet connection yet! Soon, I found myself doing a lot of reading stuffs, backup-ing, etc.. just to keep myself busy.  What is life without the net!!! (see the dependency)

After I survived a few hours without the net, we finally went online.  I was able to have a chat with a friend of mine who was in the States.  He just left Manila after a short three-day break.  I was expecting to hear a good news from him or maybe receive a simple smile, but he greeted me with a new that he might have a brain tumor!  It was certainly not good news from me, for it was actually quite traumatic to hear may it be just a joke or simply an unconfirmed speculation.  Sigh.. this is already beginning to be a bad day.  But hey, I did cheer him up.  Its not like its already a fact.  I had to believe something good is going to happen, he's a good friend of mine.

Shortly after a half an hour or so, just a little before lunch, I got an errand from my Mom.  She asked me to make an online transaction from our loading business.  It was a happy thought that the business was working well (after all)… only to find out that my account was debitted four times the amount that we sold!!! Arrrrgghh.. really not my kind of day.. Sigh..  At just about the same time, I got a message saying that my client is angry and needs updates.

It was so disappointing and so nerve racking that I had to run out and have my lunch.  As usual, I ate lunch alone.  I had to immediately call the agent for the loading biz and make my complain via his mobile number.  I had to contemplate on the series of unfortunate events of this day.

I thought, I had to make my demands from my client too, as they have been holding my pay since the latter part of June.  Only, I did not have the right composure or peace of mind to even speak to them.  It would only make things worse.  I had to appease myself, my mind.

Quickly, I took a pen and pulled out a paper.  Read a couple more stuffs about work, and stared out in the open.  The busy road of Katipunan doesn't seem to make me feel any better.  Even the trees on the other side of the road (near Ateneo) could not make me feel any better.  I had to make a phone call.

"..O, baket ka pa tumawag?? .. Wala lang, badtrip kase ako eh, yun lang.. … … O, sige, babye.."

I hang up, I was happy.  And then, my day turned out fine.

I was then able to send a good email to my client, very proper and gentle.  I was able to deliver in a meeting, settle a decision (with which I was satisfied), had a few good laughs that afternoon, chatted with a new friend, take my violin lessons early in the evening, and meet up with a good friend.

Though I was always in a rush, as though everything moves fast, I was happy.  Turned out, the series of unfortunate events was just to make me stronger and happier for the next series of events.. which were then fortunate ones.

What a good day it was! I wouldn't have had it in another way..