Seeing old friends

I was sooo late this morning.  Shame on me, my developers came in earlier than I did.

The whole day is as busy as the one it followed, and was becoming busier as the week moved towards its end.  I would have to bear with the fact that I’d be taking so much calls again and be more business-inclined rather than programming my way throughout the day.  I guess I haven’t given up much on the development side.  Its a big struggle for someone who loves to program, yet must manage complex resources on a full time basis.  Sigh… this is why I should try to find time to satisfy my own programming needs at home when I leave the office.

Yet, though I know from the moment I wake up that each day is going to be busy (if not so much of a killer), its still another day with my honey.  Sometimes, I find myself running out of life.  I feel so drained, I’d just lean my head on his shoulder and just lounge around for another couple of minutes trying to take deep breaths while clearing my head before taking on the next coming hours before another work day has gone.  Its good that I still sit beside him every waking day.

By 9AM-10AM I had a conference call with our director from Australia and a partner in HongKong.   By noon, I had another conference call with somebody from India.  And after lunch, I had the chance to walk out of the office and visit my friends for a business related purpose.  Though it was scorching outside, walking under the sun made me happy.  I do not usually go out of the office (only when to buy food), so another day out in the sun was a good one.  It made me smile.  I was walking down the familiar road I used to hate.  It was always a long walk going to that place (which happens to be where I worked before I moved in to my current job).  Well, I am now into seeking a lot of time to walk.  This was definitely making me happy.  I couldn’t help but smile by myself.  I went up the guard post, and before I could even speak, he said: “Ay, Ma’am!”.  He could still remember me.  I know I used to be someone who appears to be snubbish all the time, but he still remembered me nonetheless and it was good.  I know he really made me feel good.  I smiled back at him.. (maybe for the first time) and asked him if I could talk to my friend.  Since he knows me to be someone who used to work there, he allowed me to go up the room and storm right into the office where my friend worked.

Working my way up the stairs which happens to be infront of the office of the Chief Division Officer, I saw someone wave at me.  I was resisting the urge to look back and find someone behind me.  I know from his face, as I walked closer, he was definitely our Chief Division Officer.  How lovely it felt for someone to remember me, and even wave at me, when I used to just be someone who worked for his good department.  Awww… I missed them all.

I was nervous to open the door.  I know I’d find someone there who never seemed to like me.  Nonetheless, I wasn’t working there anymore.  Door swung open.  Somebody from the left row yelled: “Sino yang dumating na yan?” He was joking when he said that.  I was nostalgic all of a sudden.  I almost forgot why I went there in the first place.  I have made a quiet pile of leaves rustle as I passed by.  I greeted each and everyone of them that I knew.  There were couple of new ones, of course they did not mind to even look up and bother who I was.

I miss them all, and that’s for sure… that’s true.  After I finished discussing business with the one I was supposed to meet, I again tried to bond with them for awhile.  It wouldn’t hurt if the IT manager would disappear for awhile. 

Finally, I got to see them again.  Some looked a little different from the last picture of them that I have with me.  Some looked just the same as ever.  But more importantly, they were all curious, happy and also regretting the fact that I’m with someone new already.  Its been awhile and they would have never thought I could love differently.  It was both funny and awkward at the same time.   I could just chat with them forever, but heck time is valuable.  I wanted to share with them a lot of things but I just couldn’t.  But one thing is for sure.. they also missed me.

Sigh… I’d love to be with them again.  Maybe when I do get to pay them another visit, I’d be eating lunch or dinner with the rest of the team.