Praying with your Hurts

Here is another wonderful prayer from a good friend, former classmate in High School.  I believe each one of us has been through own hurts and pains in different forms, but when we plea for relief and release from this ordeal, we all call to the one who can appease us.


Thank you that you understand me totally.
Burn away the resentment in me..
You know how unkind and unjust things are which have been said..
Help me to see clearly which aspects of my own behavior I should look at as well.
Am I prepared to express my weaknesses to you, honestly?
Lord, use the pain and purge away a bit more of my pride.

Come, my Light, and illuminate my darkness..
Come, my Life, and revive me from death..
Come, my Physician, and heal my wounds..
Come, Flame of Divine Love, and burn away the thorns of my sins..
Kindling my heart with the flame of Your love..
For You, alone, are my King and my Lord..

Lord, Jesus, I give You my hands to do Your work..
I give You my feet to go Your way..
I give You my mouth to speak Your words..
I give You my mind that You may think in me..
I give You my goods that You may share through me..
and I give You my spirit that You may pray in me,
So that it is You, Lord, who live and have Your being in me..


Thanks Yeng for sharing this prayer! :)