Pets' health are treasures

My week was devastated with pet care problems.  I’ve always loved my cat as if she was my own baby.  She lived with us since she was a kitten.  We fed her well with good quality cat food.  She was dewormed, and spayed and was very domesticated.  In our home, she’s got here own bowl and own cup of fresh drinking water all the time.   She had a regular diet of Friskies for dry food and Whiskas for wet food.  Occasionally, I buy her fancy clothes and toys.  She was always called ‘my rich kid’.

I’ve never slacked on taking good care of her.  We observe here good toilet habits, frequent water intake, and regular healthy meals.  She sleeps in the most comfortable places, and even have her own favorite bed.  She stays inside the house 80% of the time.  The remaining 20% is spent infront of our house (she wears a collar) where she can basque in the sun in the morning and do her toilet thingy.

She’s recently celebrated her 8th birthday and we were all happy.  But in reality, she’s already around 48 years old in human age count.  Time and age is catching up with her.  She doesn’t grow so much in height or in features, but she’s definitely aging with finnesse.

Throughout her 8 wonderful years with us, she has never experienced serious accidents or illnesses.  We see through it that she copes well with her lifestyle.  The last serious illness she had was something like more than two years ago where her lower lip by bit by a poisonous insect.. and that was it.  We never had trips to the vet where her health was in compromise.  But this time it was different.

I noticed her losing appetite last week.  Come monday, I began worrying about her when she skipped the heavy wet meals, and didn’t even dare touch her dry snack.  She was also having a foul breath that time.  Tuesday came and I just couldn’t work well at the office worrying so much about her.  And so, I left early from the office and took her directly to the Vet Clinic nearby (it was just about one street away).  It was the best thing to do.

I narrated the whole story about the problem.  She concluded my thoughts when she felt an inflammation in the right jaw of my cat.  Ebony was immediately given anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial shots.  After that, she gave me two huge bottles of medicine to give her myself as maintenance.  She said that it would take at least 3 days for the inflammation to subside.  I was disillussioned.  We all had a hard time giving her the oral medication.  She wasn’t eating nor drinking.. and we were already force feeding her milk to sustain her health.  And Ebony has gotten worser.

For two more days I felt like I was dragging myself to work, whereas my mind was at home worrying about my cat.  She didn’t eat anymore and took less and less water intake.  It broke my heart so bad.  I worked from home for two days to monitor her.  Come friday, I knew I had to rush her to another doctor.  We went to UP Vet Med.

There, the doctors really showed the passion and love for all the animals.  They got her a blood sample and x rays.  The blood sample showed sign that she had a weak liver and high white blood cell count.  They said that it was a good thing I stopped giving her the anti-inflammatory medicine because cats wouldn’t be able to take more than 5 days of anti-inflammatory medicine.  We had only 3 days.  They found a lump of foreign object inside her body and suggested we look for another doctor with good facilities.  We were referred to the Horshoe Pet Clinic.

Here, I was nervous and was very emotional.  I worried that she might have to undergo surgery (which could also be bad for her age).  I prayed so hard that it was the wrong observation.  Dr. Pineda advised to confine the cat with them.  I was hesitant at first.  I asked so many questions and wanted to know more about the procedure they were going to do for Ebony.  It was very hard for me to leave her there.  I cried from time to time.  That night I didn’t get enough sleep.

Today, I anxiously waited for the doctor’s call.  She explained to me that my cat only had ‘kabag’.  My goodness.  It was both a good thing and a bad thing.  It was good that she didn’t have to undergo surgery (because there was no actual blockage), bad because she got me spending almost 4K in just a week.  Although this was the case, it was a blessing because we found out that she was having liver problems already.  I am very grateful this happened because I wouldn’t have found out any sooner if she didn’t have this digestive trouble.

Right now, I should have a good night’s rest because she’s now in my room again, sleeping with me.  I know she’s not yet fully well, but at least I know she’s no longer stressed out.  I pray that she continue eating her prescribed diet for tomorrow until 2 weeks from now for she’ll have to take lots of medications again.   I thank God that my best animal companion is now far from danger.  I am happy that she was in good hands with her doctor (who happens to be of the same firstname as mine).

  • UP Vet Med - E. Jacinto St., UP Diliman, QC (928 5436)
  • Horshoe Clinic - #53 E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave., Libis, QC (637 3640)