Offline blogging.. have you heard??

After almost two days of frustration over the loss of a very beautiful, long post (that was not published, due to crashing of browser and some OS error–I hate Microsoft), I finally diverted to thoughts about how this could be eradicated, or minimized at the best.

As a developer that I am, of course, I could do my blogging via notepad, and translate them to HTML format afterwards, or type it away in some tool that can convert simple text to web format.  (Of course, I don't want to do that in Word or in Frontpage, as it really hops on a couple more bytes to your original post due to many embeds, yada yada…)  But hey, purpose is to put up as many thoughts at the fastest and most convenient way.. isn't??

I have many ideas coming into my head, but much as I am constrained by time and my typing speed (lolz), I'm also considering the ease of posting them up onto a beautiful hosting site like i.PH.  But, as what happened to me a couple of days back, I thought about offline blogging.  As I was reading on of my favorite reads, I came across one of LifeHacker's post on desktop blog editor.  There is one popular result that I found on the web that might be of benefit to some.  I have looked into it and found that there are a couple of supported blogsites that it already has.

An offline blogging tool is something that you can download from the net (if its freely available) and install into your local system.  This tool will allow you to type away your thoughts and ideas and maybe store them away for the time being that you are not connected to the net.  These offer you the same (more or less) interface that you use for typing away the details of your post (i.e., your post title, post body and your tags).  It can also give you the same (more or less) editor that you have for your online blog host.  This gives you the capability to store your posts locally before you're ready to publish them.  The key benefit?? Well, you can never lose a post whether it be due to power failure, intermittent internet connection, OS/Browser failure, or even plain simple stupidity.

Some other time, maybe.. just maybe, if I find the inspiration and the freetime, I'd like to work on my own offline blogging tool.  If you'd like to see the tool that I was checking out, its: w.bloggar.  Now, I'd like to try Performancing for Firefox.  How about you?  Have you got anything related to this?  I'd like to know.

PS:  I hope that I.PH peepz would find my post and work from it if we are not yet using a standard blog API