Movie Review: Paul

Its about time we've had a cool alien movie like this! Paul has really inspired me while watching the movie.

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Although he generally crashed out of nowhere just like any other alien movie, he just killed one dog and technically ruined the life of the girl who found her that night he fell... And that has got to be the only serious part of the story, ever! XD

He's basically the alien who was able to evolve in the lifestyle and culture of humans.  It was depicted in the story that he was the source of all ideas for X Files and the Steven Spielberg stories as well.  It was funny that he was smoking weed and was really cooler than the guys who actually found him.  Majority of the scenes were slap stick jokes, but it really made me laugh very hard.  I think it was funny the way an alien could behave like a human.

Up to some extent though, he managed to change lives to the better.  Just a warning though, closely religious people might get offended by some of his jokes and "alien facts" about God and existence.

In the end, I was glad that we had a good movie to portray a kind alien species.  After all, I'm getting tired of watching doomsday being brought about by aliens and the like.

Watch the movie if you need a good laugh, and if you think you can handle extra terrestrial fiction. :)  Too bad though that there weren't much photos of Paul circulating around the net (just that one lovely comic of Paul with the dirty finger).