Meeting old friends


I’ve had many acquaintances. Most of them, I only met through my former office and past working engagements.. and most of them are guys.

Since I’ve worked in the National Engineering Center of the University of the Philippines, I met a number of friends that I miss, and intend to keep for the rest of my life. They are the people who knew how to laugh at funny circumstances, enjoy every minute of life and just be themselves most of the time.

I can still remember how we all were so wasted that night when we had the new office blessed. My boss (who’s my best guyfriend now) was lying wasted at the doormat and no one could get in or out the door, if we did not pull him inside from where he laid. My fellow engineer too was there at the office wasted. The two of them were so damn stoned that we can’t even wake them! We even had fun making them lie in one big A0 paper while tall flowers stood atop their heads. Oh, those were the days!

These two, they are the closest friends I had back then. We tick as a team in the office, and outside as well. We don’t often communicate, but when we do, it always end up as laughing our hearts out. We talk about nonsense stuffs and just forget about the time. There is really something with these two guys that I love the most. Its because we can talk about anything and everything under the sun.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. We met at Red Ribbon’s just a short walk away from the office. I didn’t know that Wez was also coming that time. We were just chatting, Neil and I, when I heard that Wez already has a girlfriend. (FYI: He’s never had a serious girlfriend) I was just happy for him and wanted to meet him again badly.

So we had a chat about his girlfriend. It was funny that all our partners were all residents of Fairview. We were even joking about the fact that that was the first time we were all together with each one having his/her own partner already. Neil has been single for the last 6years of his life, and Wez was in and out of being single. Neil was the eldest of us three, Wez and I are of the same age. I am only happy that Neil has finally found someone to love, and Wez and I were telling him that he’d have to get married soon and we’ll be there to support him.. hehe..

Unknown to most people, Neil and I are kinda not so into a very serious commitment like marriage (wow! a revelation). That was why the conversation about that was bringing us both into a somewhat uncomfortable position. But right there and then, Wez blurted out that he’d want to get married soon. Whoa! That gives me another load of pressure! Bwahahahaha…

More stories and things to laugh about came out. Soon, I learned that the others who were single too are now coupled with their loving partners. I became all the more excited to meet them all. I wanted tomorrow to come already for it might be one opportunity to meet them all in one event. It was a midweek fair day in UP and Valentine’s day too. They said the others were coming, and so will I also be there. My honey has never been in any of UP’s fair, so I thought that that day would be like hitting more than two birds with one stone. I’d get to see some of my old friends again, meet their loving partners, and of course, introduce my honey to them.

Sigh… My life is still colorful though its still in gray. Meeting old friends and enjoying what makes you happy the most is really a good feeling to nurture.