Lovin' my soul companion even more

If you've been following me, then you know I have a life partner, a beautiful black cat. You'll see some of her photos on my site and some when I post them on Facebook.

This beautiful little girl has been with me for almost 15 years now, and she's made my life happier and more fulfilling. And, at the moment, she's the reason I have moved to a new condo (I wanted to keep her from the perils of our old house where we both experienced the Ondoy flood; and this condo is a pet friendly one).

(For quite sometime now, I've been following Anna Sayce in her journey in this life as an intuitive individual. I believe she offers sane advice for people like her who are experiencing a special gift. In one of her newsletters,) I learned about Jeanne Miller, a pet psychic. At that, I was thrilled about her gift and her experiences and was eager to try her out. Not thinking twice, I subscribed to her newsletters as well. I just love getting the stuff I like to read via old school email

EDIT: I was just contacted by webmaster(s) of AnnaSayce.com and just asked me to remove my link to their site. To imply question of the integrity of my site, is offending

So, very recently, she had this Halloween treat promo where you could get a reading for the price of her additional questions cost. I decided to try her out.

I didn't really know which questions to ask at first, because, honestly, I love to talk to my fur baby like she was another human who can respond to me. I tell her stories of what happened to my day, my feelings about what's going on around me (or even politics), and down to the last requests I have for her regarding my venture to keep her healthy while at her senior years.

With that said, I just went on and took at chance at talking to her at a different level. I got so excited! After I made the purchase, I sent Jeanne an email and she was quick to respond as well. I instantly felt welcomed and important. I felt Jeanne valued both me and my fur baby, and this made me feel calm and more eager to have her talk to my Nyey.

For those who are curious, here's how it works. She would basically ask you for a photo or two of your fur baby and pertinent information for her to connect to them. She would most likely ask for the name, age, and/or any distinctive traits of your fur baby. She can connect even to those who have passed on. That's how awesome she is!

In her email, she would also ask for your questions / message that you would like to relay to your fur baby. When I was writing mine, I didn't really know what to ask. I was concerned about her health (and was really a worry wart about it), and all the things that can make her happy, so my questions were mostly about that. After that, Jeanne appoints a schedule when she can most likely connect to your fur baby and will let you know.

At that, I kept reminding Nyey that Jeanne was a psychic and she will be talking to her soon. I told her she needs to respond well to Jeanne because she will have questions for her, my questions and I want to learn about what she felt. As I always talk to Nyey, I didn't really realize that she was very attentive and understood everything I said.

When that time came, it was nighttime here, Jeanne's morning obviously. I was watching TV and I suddenly felt that Nyey's presence was not around. She normally just slips away from the crowd when we least notice it, so I thought she must've gone to her comfort bed and slept away. I went looking for her, and I saw her in her mini igloo, asleep.

At that, I understood at once that she must've already been talking to Jeanne. I called out to her and she purred back and woke up. I teased her.. so, Jeanne talked to you already, hasn't she? and she just purred back and walked on.

Hours later, around 3AM, I awoke and just pulled out my phone to quickly check important messages, and I saw her email. What happened next was the few joyous times of my life.

I cried. I cried like the tears just won't stop flowing from my eyes with every word I read from Jeanne's email. It read: Nyey's reading

I have read the most beautiful message you could ever imagine to hear from your fur baby. It touched my heart very deeply to learn that she was happy and very content with the life I have carefully provided her; and that she wanted me to know that I would never be without her.

These words literally put my heart and soul at peace. It felt like one of the happiest moments of my life could never ever be taken away from me. The realization that my Nyey is my soul companion and to know that she was happy was more than enough for me.

Jeanne was amazingly very accurate in describing how Nyey would most likely show herself to her. And, truly, Nyey loves ice cream even in her childhood when I would share my ice cream drops to her liking.

With this, I would like to share with you some of Nyey's reading. You would see that she was like a child, but very confident, and a loving one to her mom.

I had the pleasure of speaking to your adorable Nyey today. When she walked into my space, she didn't seem the least bit nervous. She walked in with confidence and sat right down in front of me. She said, "I knew we were going to be doing this and I was happy that my Mom wanted to talk to me. I was kind of excited to do this after I heard about it." Did you tell her? She seemed to know all about it somehow.

I told her you wanted to know if she likes where you are living now. She said, "I love it. It took me a little while to get used to a new place. You know, new smells and sounds and such. But once I did, I liked it a lot. Mainly because my Mom is happier here, and I like that. When she is happy, I feel very calm and don't worry about things so much."

I asked her if she knows what kind of food and vitamins are the best for her. She said, "Well, I don't know so much about vitamins, but I like it when I can have things with fish in it because I feel my fur looks better when I eat stuff like that. I do like a little variety though. Not too many different things though, as my tummy doesn't react the way it used to. It gets used to certain things now and doesn't like too much change. I do like chicken, so that would be good too. I'm sorry I don't know about vitamins and things like that, but I think the food I get has good things in it already."

I asked her if there was anything you do that she doesn't like. She said, "Not to me. But to herself sometimes. Sometimes when she worries about something, she gets nervous and I can feel that. I think she makes things harder for herself sometimes by thinking about things too much."

I asked if there is anything you do that she really likes. She said, "You know, I didn't used to like this at first, but now I really like when she gets me a shirt. I feel more confident when I wear clothes because it makes me feel like a person." I feel this is true because when she came into my space, she showed herself to me wearing a shirt or sweater. I couldn't tell which. And I got the sense that it was almost like a security blanket for her. I asked if she had any requests and she said, "I wouldn't mind a new sweater to wear. Something blue or green would be nice. I like darker colors best."

I gave her your beautiful message and she loved hearing this. I asked her if there was anything she would like to say before we parted. She said:

"Well, first of all, please tell my Mom that she will never be without me. We will always be together whether I'm here or on the other side. We are soul companions and nothing can part us. She isn't to ever worry about that."

"Can I have something cold to eat or drink today? I feel like having something cold." Has she ever had a taste of ice cream or whipped cream? This is what I'm seeing.

"When I nap, I like to lay on things that smell like Mom. It helps me sleep when I am near her scent."

"Will you tell her that I'm really happy. She worries about that too much. I can't make expressions to show her that I'm smiling inside so she doesn't always know how I feel. I feel content...very content and happy."

"Even if I'm in another room, Mom won't walk by me without saying something nice to me. I like that."

Jeanne is God's gift to us both (to me and my fur baby Nyey). I really believe that to all those who have pets and want to connect to them deeper, they should discover Jeanne. I cannot be any more grateful for her relaying my message to Nyey and Nyey's to me. She is amazing and this has caused my love and relationship with my fur baby to be more beautiful than it already is.

Please, give her a try. Jeanne would work wonders for you and your fur kids. You would really be pleased.

She also has great books to read. I'm actually going to buy some for myself because with my experience, I'd like to hear more about her other readings and experiences too.

You can find her books here: http://www.amazon.com/Jeanne-Miller/e/B005A0NFFM/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1