Healing The Loss of A Loved One

Lord, heal me of this pain and let his memories bring me no more loneliness but joy.

Dearest Lord,

You were once broken apart and You know how it is to be shattered by the loss of a loved one.

Trusting in Your deep love and compassion,

I come to You now to seek healing because I am in deep pain, grieving over the loss of my hubby, JP Tolledo.

Heall all unhappy feelings I am experiencing now.

Let Your loving presence comfort and console me during my moments of sorrow and loneliness.

Touch all the areas of woundedness in my heart.

Give me the grace to see that something beautiful will come out later on, the grace to see things from Your eyes of love, to see the blessings in store for me out of this hurt, to see the victory and resurrection that await me and my loved ones, after all the tears and anguish.

All these are difficult to see right now Lord, when everything around me seems dark and shattered.

But I know that Your love and peace will be my source of strength, my comfort and consolation.

Draw me closer to You through these grieving moments and let me experience the kind of love only You can give to fill all my emptiness and loneliness from the loss of my hubby, JP Tolledo.

Bring me to friends who will keep me copmany and life my spirits during moments of desolation.

Let their presence be an experience of Your loving presence to fill my heart with Your peace, love, joy and healing.

All these I pray in Jesus' name through Mary.
