Hard Drive worries

<p>Early on, when I switched my desktop PC to Ubuntu, I had a trouble with one of my harddisks.&nbsp; I had an 80GB SATA drive as my primary drive (which was initially in Windows).&nbsp; I had to bear with the difficulty of data loss.&nbsp; Since it was still under warranty, I managed to get some of the data in it by making it a secondary disk and grabbing its contents from the Ubuntu OS. &nbsp;</p>

Having used it for almost a year, I thought that it might have been worn out or so, that's why it finally gave up.  I believe so, because a day won't pass without that machined being booted up and used for almost 12-18 hours in a day.  Just awhile ago, I stumbled upon an article that discusses dangers of using Ubuntu's Feisty Fawn and Gutsy Gibbon distros for hard disks.  What a coincidence to be reading this article, when I was just upgrading my distro to Gutsy Gibbon release!

Anyway, I'll watch out for this bug/ticket to be closed.  For you guys out there, read on.. and find some shelter in their tips and tricks.



For now, I'll be on Windows.. but for sure to still be using opensource tools!