Happy accidents

Since I'm currently on break, I haven't been feeling the urge to leave the house a lot, so I usually pile up all my activities and errands in a day for one go.

So, today, I thought since I'm actually attending a meetup, I might as well complete all errands for today.  Five errands in 2.5 hours (including a very quick KFC dinner).  I went up to the place and found that the meetup was actually cancelled.  Since I was already there, I got to talk to a friend.  She asked for recent updates and what's been happening to me lately and we scheduled another meeting together.  She really wanted to contact me but in some weird circumstance, I didn't get her emails.  A very happy accident which is a win-win for both of us.  

With which, I was also glad that she noticed some change in me.  After almost 2 weeks of working on a new facial care routine, someone finally noticed a change! (Of course, I might not be able to see it myself because the changes are happening gradually) And I was glad about its positive outcome, hence I shared it to her.  Well, another very big contributing factor to the very positive change in me is the absence of STRESS!  Hurrah because I don't have to deal with......

My skin suffered some breakouts because of using some BB creams and trying out a lot of mineral makeup.  I needed a break as well from cosmetic medicine, commercial facial products, etc.  I have been following a vlog on Youtube which is mostly about beauty, health and fashion.  I searched for facial remedy and found one that indeed helped me.

Check this out for yourself and try it.  I highly recommend it because you can save up on the expensive commercial products and stick to a very organic routine.