Fourth Mass

<p>Last night, I had some sleep, but I can&#39;t deny that I am tired and in bad need of rest as I am a bit unwell.

Today's Mass was held by Father Rey.  He's actually one of the good ones who say the best sermon, so when I heard that he was the celebrant, I was excited to hear his sermon.  The gospel today was about Elizabeth and Zaccharias and wishes.

What struck me the most from his sermon was something about the wishes.  He knew that each one had a sole wish that they'd love to be granted.  But, the sad fact was that the people are chaining Christ.  They simply do so, by wanting to have God grant them their wishes after nine days.  And so, by doing this, we lose the real essence of the Simbang Gabi.  And then I start to think about my own wish.  It's actually not a wish by itself… my prayers are for guidance mostly.  And all I'm wishing for is… secret! Hehehe..

So, as Father went on with his sermon, I am impressed, because he really did prepare for that.  He even had a slide shown to describe the temple in the gospel.  I learned too that what one must really wish for is not for oneself only but for the good of many if not all. 

I believe so, this I must ask.. for us all, my colleagues and I to be saved from doubts and be secured of what the future will bring to the company.