Everything is Simple

Last saturday was a very busy day for me. The day was hectic. The morning started out with waiting for the technical people to fix my connection. While I was waiting, I spent the whole morning playing my violin. Its relaxing and enjoyable to play good music, whilst practising my new piece too! By the afternoon, I had to go to the dentist. (I was even late!) There, the experience was quite unpleasant because of some pains, but nonetheless, it was rewarding in the end. Later that afternoon, I got to see the usual places he goes to, the place where he loved to hang out, their church, and their home of course.

Their church was beautiful. The whole place is very nice and conducive to meditation. We went to pray in their Adoration chapel. It was very very pretty. I loved the whole setup. Hours may pass there, and I would have never noticed. It was very serene and lovely. Next we went to R&B coffee shop where he used to hang out. It was a very cozy place and really homey. It had a mini library too. He used to have a compilation of all his writings in three books and gave this coffee shop a copy for each. That was way way back, but we still found a copy of one of his compilations still alive in that place! Cool eh?

At their house, of course I felt some kinda pressured to meet the family for the first time, but hey.. I'll be just me. I got to meet the 'tahors'. They were outside playing when we got there. Then I got to meet his mom, and his cousins. All of them are cool! Love them! I'd like to be with them more, 'coz they were fun to talk to and be with. I loved it there. There were many people to meet and talk to. The whole house seems so alive!

Come sunday, we got up early to go to Manaoag. We arrived at the bus terminal an hour and a half earlier than the departure time. The ticket booth was not even open yet! Hahaha… The whole trip was fun. It was nice to go back to that wonderful place where prayers are granted, and miracles do happen. There were many people wanting to hear Mass that time, and it was great and just perfect that we got there just a couple of minutes before the Mass started. The feeling was unexplainable. That sunday was even Christ the King and we did not know. Sometimes, I'm surprised by things that I can't control and what's really great about it is that it makes me happy. Things become better because I did not ask for it and it was there, as if it knew that I would love it. This is one great miracle for me… to experience things that were given to me, things I never knew I wanted.

Everything that happens is very spontaneous, and simple and natural. I love it that way.