Characters coming to life

I have not been aware but I have been a very die hard fan of Johnny Depp for years now.  I first fell in love with his acting in Edward Scissorhands (which I actually bought in original copy).  Soonafter, I’ve stay tuned to his movies whenever I can.  From "Nick of Time" to "Sleepy Hollow", "Pirates of the Carribean", "Once Upon a Time in Mexico", "Finding Neverland", "Secret Window" to "Corpse Bride" to "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" to the now famed Urban Legend story "Sweeney Todd".  I’ve loved every character he brought to life.

Not that he’s acclaimed for portraying only the unusual and eccentric characters/roles in these movies, but its the fact that he can give the character role its vigor in the movie.  Its almost as if he’s becoming one with who the character is in that movie.. its like becoming a different person once he’s in that role.  I think that’s how his acting becomes more effective… but there is more to this time.

Sweeney Todd, is another urban legend character, not a very familiar one (well, at least that’s how it is for me), but when I heard about this movie who was portrayed by my favorite actor Johnny Depp, I became curiously engrossed with the film and its background.  I read about it in Wikipedia and learned more about him.

"I think the reason ‘Sweeney Todd’ has endured for 150 years is that it’s a really good story…a very gripping tale.  It’s a story about revenge and how revenge eats itself up," says Stephen Sondheim, the creator of the acclaimed stage musical "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street," which has been adapted into a film directed by Tim Burton.  "In that sense it’s a tragedy in the classic tradition about someone who goes out for revenge and ends up destroying himself."

– from Sweeney Todd, the Official Movie Site (under Production Notes)

The story is good, the plot is good.  And, by the fact that it was a musical film, it brought a different touch to the movie.  It was R-18 and it was a horror movie, and that alone for a musical was very challenging.  Tim Burton was really simply great. It was a different kind of Johnny Depp that I saw there.  One that was singing and acting at the same time, yet he never lost the solid portrayal of "Sweeney Todd".  Critics say that "Sweeney Todd" has never been portrayed with younger casts, and that the story itself was never emotionally amplified, but the film by Tim Burton was really amazing and swaying. The film had the best cast–Golden Globe nominee Johnny Depp, Helena Carter, Alan Rickman, and Sacha Baron Cohen.  You should also hear its soundtrack, I think its one of the best ones too.  This film is really a showcast of talents.. from the Director/Producer, Musical Director, Cast Director, to the actors and actresses, even the Dreamworks set is fantastic! (sorry, can’t seem to express my joy).

I’m used to watching horror movies, but I say this one is more satisfying, and more grippping than those of zombie movies or other more gorey ones.  I really love it, it brings a twist to my common notion of a ‘musical’ and ‘horror’ movie.  At first, it felt like I was watching a kiddie movie or a feel good movie.. but then again the gloomy background and the taunted makeups of the cast instills the thrill of watching the unfolding story of a horror film.  Whenever they sing, I feel what the actor feels.  I become gloomy as they feel more sullen in grief or disappointment; I feel bubbly as they feel lifted.  The cast sings out their feelings in songs with beautiful melodies that encapsulates the various emotions in the song itself, along with its lyrics and the melody.  It feels like I am swayed with the intensity of the songs as they were delivered very strongly by the powerful casts who can sing as well as act effortlessly. ("My friends" is my favorite song.)

The love story, the revenge and the simplicity of the plot made it easy for audiences to take in the story gracefully and yet be astounded with its twist and the way it was delivered.  I am moved, really moved.  By far, I think this is how I’d like to remember Johnny Depp.. as the actor who has accepted the roles that many others have turned down.  He is the best actor to bring characters to life.. in full colors! 

I just can’t wait for that soundtrack and original copy to be released.  Its another addition to the collection of Johnny Depp movies.  Sigh.. I can’t get enough of those wallpapers.