Brain required

I’ve been sleepy and quite under the weather lately.  Its because I’m having a hard time adjusting to my new body clock and extremely tight schedule.

I have to sleep at around 9pm (at the latest) because I have to wake up at 2am (for the simbang gabi–it has been a devotion that I started about 5years now, wherein I’ve perfected 4 simbang gabis already).  The midnight mass ends at 4am.  When my sister and I attend midnight masses, we only walk to and fro the church, ergo, we arrive the house at around 4:15-4:30am.  By then, I could either get a couple of hours more to sleep or go on with the rest of the day’s tasks as early as 4:30am.

I choose to leave the house at around 7-8am to go to the office since any time earlier than that is still quite dark.  I arrive at the office aro und 9am.  Usually, its but relieving to sleep in the FX along with the other super industrious employees of Ortigas area.  At 3pm, I leave the office to take my turn in watching over my (still sick) youngest sister.  It usually takes me around 1hour to 2hours max of travel.  Then I’d have to continue a wee bit of my work at home before retiring for few of my other coding projects.

If I decide to sleep early, 9-10pm is usually my earliest (I’ve never met the 9pm deadline for sleeping early).. and then the cycle continues for another 9 days before Christmas.  No room for complains, no room for hanky panky stuffs or gimmicks.  Its a drag, yes, but its also family bonding time.  Today is the 6th day of Midnight Mass and we did not attend.  Its not an inadvertent decision.. it was planned.  We’d be hearing Sunday mass in Manaoag, Pangasinan.  Though it was still the same dragging scenario/schedule for me, it was fun.  I got to sleep during the travel time.

But wait.. I’ve told you the story, and yet the punchline is just coming up! 

We boarded the Saulog Transit instead of the usual Dagupan Bus going back to Manila since it was the earliest bus available.  We did get to hear the 9-10am mass and had an early lunch.  Boarding the bus, it was not quite the same experience as it was with Dagupan busses, though the ride was still just average.  Amidst many observations, only one thing really stood out for me.  I just can’t understand the signages they were using.. or maybe extreme brain activity is required.

I missed the point.  Aren’t the curtains hanging already?  Should I take them down? lol

What?  So its cool to trash the place now?  Observing cleanliness session is over? hehehe..