<p>Have you ever seen a site that does not offer an RSS feed?&nbsp; I did just recently.</p>

I thought that its kinda a thing of today to provide people more ways of getting updated with stuffs that they are in tune to.  I love to read, and I read a lot.  Most of the time, visiting different pages gives me diversion from work, but I'd rather have the clutter of personal readings all contained in one window, for the rest of the tabs I have are all allotted for work-related stuffs.

Lately, as I was browsing through one of my favorite reads, I encountered a site that is very wonderful in its imparting of articles related to my career.  I tried to follow the link, and when I became immersed in reading, I wanted to have a subscription that I can just pick up using my Google Reader.  I was surprised that it had no RSS feed available.  (I don't want to mention the site itself here)

RSS (read as ar-es-es) is Really Simple Syndication. Most users have their own readers and most sites offer an RSS version for their site.  This is how most users stay in tuned with their subscriptions online.

I just thought that it was impossible for a new site (or blog) nowadays not to have one.  In fact, I.PH itself even offers other formats.