Last week, I sold my old table at OLX because it was already becoming inconvenient. The table was too long for a single worker, and too short for two. We couldn't move the table very freely even if we wanted to; and the drawer floor was drooping. The table that I once thought was good wasn't good enough anymore.

So, I have decided to go for a Sigma Computer table that gave me the stability and freedom that I wanted. I went ahead and got this table

Sigma computer table

What I had thought was since I was getting it myself, how could I transport it? Were the boxes too big for a regular cab? Who will help me? How soon could I possibly get a cab for this? I knew that it was going to be very difficult/embarrassing/exhausting and maybe an effort I would have to carry out myself regardless of whether someone would help or not.

I purchased my tables from Ansons' Ortigas, the one along ADB Avenue. I figured, I would book a taxi from either Easy Taxi or Grab Taxi, or maybe even Uber if they won't be free. However, when that moment came, no taxis were available. There were two young men who kindly said they can assist me in getting a cab at J. Vargas cor Ruby Road, so I accepted their help. At first, I was skeptical, knowing that this corner was notorious for being the most ignored spot for cab hailing... but I waited patiently. While one guy was walking about hailing cabs, I repeatedly attempted to book myself a cab from all these transportation providers... to no avail. Yes, undoubtedly, they are so unreliable during rush hours.

It was getting dark and I was about to lose hope. These young men had to go back to their office soon, when they chanced upon an old cab whose driver didn't look very trustworthy. I was kinda worried, but somehow I knew I had to take it. He asked where I was going and looked hesitant to take me becaues of the table boxes I was carrying. But, he said yes.

I gave these two young men, my first couple of angels some tip to reward them of their patience and eagerness, and bid them goodbye. Now, angel 3 is well in his works.

I sat beside the cab driver, since the tables were comfortably lying at the back seat. We started talking about traffic and his very good plans for his future. I can see his name plate hanging infront of the passenger seat I was in, but for some reason, I couldnt' even remember it now. I only had the plate number of the cab which I texted to my boyfriend to make sure someone knows exactly where I was.

He began stories about his current successes and what he wants to do with his life. I instantly knew he wasn't married because there was never mention of a wife nor a kid. I didn't bother to ask for fear of intruding so much on his personal life. He was a former student undertaking a Police related course, which he apparently failed because he fell in love with a girl and had a long distance relationship which didn't end so well, leaving him in a pit to throw away his Police dream.

Needless to say, he was a good guy. He told me stories about his experience as a cab driver, and told me about the moduses that other drivers do! Hah! This is one learning experience I will never forget (having to ride cabs all the time).

I told him stories about the worst part of my life, feeling proud that I have surpassed them and it has made me stronger and shaped who I am now. At the end of an hour and a half long ride, I was surprised the bill didn't end up greater than 200 bucks, so I gave him that which I thought the bill was going to be for the feeling of being safe and happy and stress free is what he really gave me.

I wish him well, wherever he may be because, really, who puts the combination of a good guy + honest cab driver together all the time? None. Bless him and his kindness. I know that because he wishes to be kind and shares this kindness, that others will also be inspired by him; thereby, producing more kind people. yes, I'm feeling optimistic

So, he unloaded my tables, and as I was bidding him goodbye and a safe travel for the rest of the night, angel 4, has swiftly made his way towards me. Before I asked for a cart to bring up my tables to my unit, he was quickly walking towards me with one. How else can I have had this day better than it already was?

On the way up, I remember us chatting about Pacquiao and Mayweather (err, I mean GayWeather). I sincerely didn't feel Pacquiao was going to win, but that I did want him to beat Mayweather up because he is an arrogant man who might need a lesson in humility.

And then I was there. Sitting back at my unit again. Staring at my prize. My lovely table now waiting to be assembled. And, after having worked on it, assembling it with my sweat and love, it finally is here, serving its duty well with <3.

My beautiful table