A weekend of travel

I wasn't able to sleep Friday night. So, I stayed awake til Saturday morning for our travel to the province.

Mama and her friend planned for a visit to the Manaoag Shrine last week. I was not supposed to be there, but I thought I'd give myself a break this weekend before going through another week of extensive nocturnal work again. Mama invited my honey to come with us. We were fortunate enough to be serviced by my mom's friend's vehicle, so it was still convenient for us to travel.

It was a very happy experience for me. I have not been to our province for about 8 years now! Imagine, how I must have done a lot of effort passing up the chances that I had for visiting the province. It has always been a boring experience for me, staying at our province. I have learned to live with technologies and lead a very busy life, so I wasn't accustomed to taking a break and just enjoying idle times. But this time, I am excited with the fact that I can go there without getting bored because it was a break I really much needed.

It was such a long journey, but I do not complain. I just loved to be where I was at that time.. right beside my honey. He was kind enough to go with us and visit our place with the rest of my family. So, he's been the only partner that my lola has ever met. Funny eh? I've been in an almost-7-year relationship and we did not have the chance to go there for a visit. And it has only been kind of three months since we had this relationship, my honey and I, and he's already got to visit our province. What a nice thought it was!

For the three times I've visited the Manaoag Shrine, I was with my honey. Its great. I think I will never remember Manaoag as a place where I prayed and I was alone. This was what I first thought of when I arrived at my lola's house, as I was lying under that big mango tree and trying to work out the fact that I was so happy.

I can't begin to narrate everything, but every detail of what happened, I still reminisce (even though my honey did not say 'goodnight' to me last night before he fell asleep).

I am just happy that he was happy that he was able to go with us, enjoy the food and the place itself, and even had the pleasure of meeting my lola and my cousin.

The end. Now, I feel tired, I must go to rest. I will savor the good memories of this happy weekend.