A journey to healing

A Healing Mantra

I am getting better and better every day in every way
I and only I am responsible for my health, my whole being in mind, body and spirit.
I will do everything, whatever it takes to heal me, my mind body and spirit.
I am fully motivated to heal my self, my mind, my body and my spirit.
I will preserve in this healing process of my mind, body and my spirit.
After I have done everything, will be detached and offer all to the Divine within me.
Since I am made in the Image and Likeness of God, my sole purpose in all these is to grow like God in Unconditional Love.
I am getting better and better every day in every way.

Since last year November 2009, I should have brought myself for a checkup.  Unfortunately, I have always been afraid of hospitals and doctors.  The last time I was ever in close encounter with the white people (a.k.a. medical practitioners LOL :P) was in 1999 when I had dengue.  I made friends with some who happened to be interns that time.  I just don't know where they are now or what happened to me.  I even recall that one of them was courting me at the hospital! :D I only remember him by the name "Kuya Sonny".  

Well, after that, I just couldn't bring myself to the hospital at all.  I would need all the courage and opportunity and consolation and what-nots just to be able to step foot in a hospital for a checkup.  Its not nearly as bad as being irresponsible.  Actually, its the opposite.  I think that because this fear has developed in me, I learned to value my health.  I would want to be more than 10 feet away from the place and so I take my food with careful planning and scrutiny.  I don't eat just about anywhere, and I stay away from addicting foods (caffeine, soda, chicken, beef, etc).  I try to minimize food intake by carefully selecting what I eat.  I prefer to eat more from home cooked meals rather than fast food meals.  If I have no choice then I would, but I would always always try to make choices.

Well, November 2009 marked a date for me and my beloved that we will both have physical examinations.  Just in time, my mom and her friend decides to visit a recommended doctor.  I come along with them.  They say, this doctor was able to save a patient who was declared to be dying by another doctor's diagnosis.  Three months after the "due date", the patient is still alive and even healthier.  Ah!  A light worker!  I know one when I hear one.  So, I decided to break off the fear and just pay him a visit.

We three arrived at the clinic that was soooo full of patients, from children to senior at only around 9AM! We patiently wait there until it was our turn.  Finally we meet Dr. Bautista.

He's a family man, but he looked sort of feminine to me.  He's tall, fair skinned and with bright gentle eyes.  I think to myself, that's how a doctor should be.  One who would attract you to his energy and passion.  I didn't get scared of him.  I was paying attention as my mom was first to be examined.  After she told the doctor about her pains, he would look up and tell her what she's been doing wrong for her health.  Some of it, I already know.. well, my mom is just sort of stubborn.  Some precautions he mentioned, I have been doing a long time ago as a habitual exercise.

He carefully asked for the age, and weight for medical prescription purposes.  Then, seemingly as if in automatic writing, he would scribble down the names of medications she's going to take.  He gives careful instructions as to how much she'd take per day and specific instructions too.  After the usual routine, he would then describe how these infections or diseases are formed.  I like him.  I think to myself, my cousin, who happened to be his student would most definitely grow to be a very good doctor himself.  His mentor is definitely a light worker!

Dr. Bautista's clinic was an hour's worth of travel for us, but it was very very very well worth it.  He's able to explain our ailments with careful consideration and humor so that we will always remember his words.  He requested for some lab tests and asks us to come back a week after.  After doing so diligently, I receive my first copy of medications.  I was excited to get well.  It was a minor problem really.. migraine and ulcer attacks, but I believe him.  I just know I do trust him.  I go directly to the pharmacy and buy our stuff.

I immediately follow all his instructions.  Well, the first week was trouble for me.  I was drowsy and even fell asleep at work!  The next week, he gave me more medications for my ulcer.  Days after, I get bloated.  I call him in urgency because it was terribly uncomfortable for me and slowing me down at work.  He patiently, with utmost dedication to make me feel comfortable, take my call and prescribe to me an over-the-counter medicine to alleviate my condition.  Its been 2 days already and it seems I feel a little improvement already.

I say, though my personal approach at staying fit and healthy is working, I'm glad to have known our new family doctor.  I swear to always abide by his prescriptions no matter what because I know how much he'd go through for the wellness of his patients.  If anyone reading this in the Philippines is in need of a good doctor, just ping me and I'll give his clinic's address.  I don't voucher for his ability to cure you, but I assure you, he's really good.  :)

I'm happy to be on the road to good health.  I must also take care of this body, for without it, the strength of my soul is nothing.