A funny game

I happened to have read a message that changed my mood this morning. I was crying just now. Not even my honey could make me smile awhile ago, but this, this made me laugh. After awhile when I was ranting and releasing emotional stress while talking to my honey, I asked him what game can I play just so I could unwind. He gave me a site with full of games (palibhasa gamer kase yun eh..). In that site, I found this game, and it made me laugh.

The characters are cute, the animations look funny. I even tried it and my first score was 225meters!

After that, I was trying out some other styles, when I accidentally released the sling and shot my character into an almost 90 degree angle. As soon as it was hitting the ice, it went to fell head in the ice first.. and died! hahahahaha… Try it for yourself.. here it is: